Articles and Interviews

17. İstanbul Bienali Kapımızda!

Bu Yaz Mutlaka Görülmesi Gereken 10 Sergi

Selin Balcı İle Röportaj

SAHA 10 Yaşında: Çelenk Bafra İle Röportaj

Interview with Performistanbul on the Memory Conversion Exhibition

10 Most Stunning Art Events During the Pandemic Period

Artist Studios in Quarantine Days

#stayhome But Don’t Stay Away From Art

Intwerview with Simbart Projects on the Exhibition of Mehmet Öğüt

Interview with CANAN

4th International Mardin Biennial: Interview with Nazlı Gürlek

Interview with Özge Topçu

“Açık Şehir” – Deniz Aktaş, Özge Topçu

Interview with self-service art founders Ayça Ceylan ve Pınar Derin Gençer

Alper Turan – Onur Karaoğlu Röportaj

Interview with Selen Sarıoğlu

Fulya Çetin ile Röportaj

Art International 2015

Interview with Mari Spirito