Aloş Çavdar selected for you

Serenay Şahin - PERİFERİ

The first work to draw my attention out of the artists of artnivo would be “Periferi” by Serenay Şahin. The element that, for me, is most prominent is its simplicity. I was deeply affected by its ability to evoke a range of emotions. With such characteristics, “Periferi” is a work I would have liked to own.

Volkan Aslan - My Revered Elders

My next choices on are photographic works, one of which is “My Revered Elders” by Volkan Aslan. What strikes my fancy in this work is the ironic effect of using the collage technique on a wedding photo. Due to these factors, the aura of the work is very pleasing to me.

Jacqueline Roditi - I HAD A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM

The other photograph I have picked is Jacqueline Roditi’s “I Had A Dream Within A Dream”. The effect that the artist is looking past the depth of her eyes into her dreams evoked unfamiliar feelings in me. It’s an immersive work that is interpreted differently every time one views it. Due to that, Jacqueline’s work absolutely had to take place in the selection. The choice of black and white over color also played a part in the decision.

Selin Balci - AFRİKA II

“Afrika II” by Selin Balcı is a work that quite excited me. The artist fashions a world out of bacteria continents, which gives me the kind of exotic dreams that have always intrigued me. Disappearing into that world now and then gives me a sense of tranquility.