Tansa Mermerci Ekşioğlu selected for you

Among the artnivo.com artists and their works, the ones that caught my eye in the first place: Alper Aydın’s works titled “Noah” and “The True Measure of Stones 2”; Photograph of a flying helium balloon named “Untitled” by Mete Ersöz; Jacqueline Roditi’s work “The Stairs”; Leyla Emadi’s “Celebration” and “Hangover” works and Erdal İnci’s video “Rats”.
I am attracted to the fact that the work is thought provoking rather than the element of beauty in the works I generally like. Instead of the ones that seem obvious at first glance, I like the ones that have strong narratives, that are confusing and that connect with my experiences / senses. There are some issues that I am sensitive about as an individual. While creating my own collection, I take care to consider these issues as a theme. These themes; gender policies, urban transformation, political humor and religious turmoil / spiritual development.

Alper Aydın - Noah

While making this selection for artnivo.com, I have made choices that are parallel to my collection. Alper Aydın is an artist who focuses on the themes of nature and people, and produces through his reflections on the earth. The artist’s works force the viewer to make connections. His work called “Noah” is a work where I visualize Noah’s Ark in my head. It also intrigues me because it evokes a belief, a legend, a religion. “True Measure of Stones 2”, on the other hand, is a work that reforms what is happening, makes one think and laugh, just like the Fluxus movement.

Mete Ersöz -Untitled

Mete Ersöz’s helium-filled aluminum foil balloon reminded me of the classic children’s book “The Red Baloon”. I thought, what a balloon could bring to my mind; childhood, friendship, loneliness, longing… The reason why I chose this photograph among Mete Ersöz’s artnivo.com portfolio, which consists mostly of architectural photographs, is that I am looking for simplicity and unpretentious beauties in the details of city life in a city that has become colorless with urban transformation.

Jacqueline Roditi - The Stairs

Jacqueline Roditi is an artist who refers to the history of photography by bringing the 1950s photographic legacy into her work in timeless moments caught in her lens. Roditi’s work “The Stairs” is familiar and sincere for me in that it is a sight I pass by every day. On the other hand, I liked that the combination of stairs and elevators in the same square is like a mocking description of the dilemmas we experience in our daily life. From a broad perspective, both these phenomena seem to guide the ups and downs in life.

Leyla Emadi - Hangover

Leyla Emadi’s “Celebration” and “Hangover” are very entertaining works in terms of material and title selection, but I wonder what they might keep behind them. Since I focus on women and gender politics in my collection, I want to know what I can see when I “click” them forward or rewind what Emadi wants to tell with these innocent works.

Erdal İnci - Rats

Erdal İnci produces videos with hypnotic clone concept. As I mentioned before, urban transformation and urbanization are among the issues that puzzle me in my daily life. For this reason, İnci’s video work “Rats” became part of my selection. In cities where the population is increasing day by day and the quality of life is decreasing rapidly, people are no different from rats running from place to place after a while.

Yaptığım seçkide yukardaki sanatçıların kendime en yakın bulduğum işlerine odaklanmayı tercih ettim. Seçkide yer alan genç sanatçıların dışında sanat pratiklerinde yurt içi ve yurt dışında belli yerlere gelmiş tecrübeli, olgun sanatçılardan Gülsün Karamustafa, İpek Duben, ve Necla Rüzgar ise benim için çok özel sanatçılar arasındadırlar. Bu sanatçıların, artnivo.com'da sergilenen işleri de, tartışmasız, dikkat çekici ve çok güçlüler.