Among the artists and their works, the ones that caught my eye in the first place: Alper Aydın’s works titled “Noah” and “The True Measure of Stones 2”; Photograph of a flying helium balloon named “Untitled” by Mete Ersöz; Jacqueline Roditi’s work “The Stairs”; Leyla Emadi’s “Celebration” and “Hangover” works and Erdal İnci’s video “Rats”.
I am attracted to the fact that the work is thought provoking rather than the element of beauty in the works I generally like. Instead of the ones that seem obvious at first glance, I like the ones that have strong narratives, that are confusing and that connect with my experiences / senses. There are some issues that I am sensitive about as an individual. While creating my own collection, I take care to consider these issues as a theme. These themes; gender policies, urban transformation, political humor and religious turmoil / spiritual development.