

Pickapok is the name that artist Meltem Elmas uses to represent her paintings, drawings, prints, 3D and moving images that she produces besides the photography.

Meltem Elmas is inspired by her childhood memories with her grandmother, world-class ethnographic / tribal art and folklore, upcycle, DIY cultures, ready-made and Art Brut artists, Tim Burton and children.

June 2013, "Facetacular", NEST, Ghent, Belgium
April 2015, Festival L'Ère de Rien, Rezé, France, "Youdoo babies", installation
November 2013, Gallerie Tagcity Brussels, Belgium, "Alien Alias"
March 2013, Crochapox, Ghent, Belgium, “Face the Fact”
March 2012, Activity, Ghent, Belgium, “Spin and Puke”
March 2012, Vooruit, Snoepwinkel Ghent, Belgium, “Mixed up”
June 2012, Van Monckhovenstraat, Ghent, Belgium, “Art on Walls”
June 2012, Norbertijnerkapel / Drongenhof / Kaatsspelplein Patershol, Ghent, Belgium, (Het Huis van Alijn Müzesi ile birlikte), "Beyond"